You can read here about your options for obtaining financial assistance for your return if you have had your residence permit on asylum grounds revoked or an extension has been refused
It is important that you apply for such support before the time limit for your departure expires.
You will be called for an interview with the Danish Return Agency before the time limit for your departure expires. Among other things, you will be advised about the possibility of applying for repatriation support.
The Danish Refugee Council offers advice about repatriation support to persons who have had their residence permit on asylum grounds revoked or an extension of their residence permit on asylum grounds refused. If you are cooperating on your departure planning and would like to apply for repatriation support, your return journey adviser will help you make an appointment with the Danish Refugee Council, which will advise you about your application.
Together, you and your return journey adviser will fill in a form to be sent to the Danish Refugee Council. At the Danish Refugee Council website you will find more information about repatriation support for persons who have had their residence permit revoked or an extension of their residence permit refused.
Read more about repatriation support on the Danish Refugee Council website
If you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact the Danish Return Agency.